SHA Shoot on 2nd and 3rd Oct!
interested to noe wat's happening? for more pix, pls log on to
and leave comments there for me k??? =)

interested to noe wat's happening? for more pix, pls log on to
Sexy 61 =p the link does not seem to work? show an error page lei =P nice pictyre taken.. must be in studio ba?
hey hey jiahui,
the link not available lehh.. =.=
tis shd be the correct one.. hehs..
hihi...jiahui~today is a goodday~~
outsiderz:last wk i already reg bt stil hvn send mi e reply yet so i stil cnt log in yet..
new picture look so nice =)
will visit the web when free
JaiHui, Don know that u weer at hougang stadium today =( while i was jogging to east coast i hear it on zhong gong chong po show. If know earlier will go to support. my bike got 933 car sticker neh. next time update on ur blog k? take care
wooohooo cute ahhh. Stay happy =]]
hi jiahui
cute jiahui
hey jiahui jiejie, wanted to vote 4 u 4 the radio award but they said have to be 18 and above.. any other way to vote??
jiahui, yalor u veri cute.
and that day i oso wanted to go to hougang stadium so that i will get "electrocted by your eyes",but mum say cannot go. so sad. looking forward for the next time u go to some stadium...
Hey jia hui~
Thanks ~ for delighting my -noon after- period.
Listening your program kinda cheerful! Keep it on =)
"wu hou wan wan shui~ you jia hui bu hui da ke shui~"
Yeah i finally finish my exam hav been busy the whole year !!nice and cute picture .U look so sweet!!! WUHOUWANWANSUI rox! Jiahui ,jiayou
hey jiahui. could i ask u something. it's regarding the SHA07 tickets.
it was announced that as long as we purchase the tickets at MDC reception on tuesday 23rd Oct 3pm, we can enter both the SHA and fahrenheit's fans meeting ya?
was wondering if we can just purchase the tickets and go for the fans meeting instead? but will still be going for SHA but sitting in another location whereby we have bought earlier on. is that possible??
hope to hear from you. thanks
but there'll be somebody occupying the seats there. or must those who bought the tics on next tues, sit tgt during SHA??
hi jiahui
outsiderz:looking forward 2 ur 1st "can drama" nx wk..coz heard fr ur *sneak preview* u say "ANGLE SHOULDN'T LIE" i like tis coz ur voice sound so sad n *cry*..V well done :)
Hey Jiahui;
you are so sweet and,kawaii!!Loved: D
jia hui, jj and jin sha kym the icecream event start on your program izzit? i will call in de. wait for my call. heez. TianSheng
hehe.. Seems like so many kids like you so much leh. Yeah thats a really sweet photo taken by yourself. =P All the best in work and take a break off your busy schedule yeah. =) Take care yo!
love u~
May I ask you, am I allowed to take pictures during the Hit Award ceremony??
i like your program and ur voice.
Always be happy.
you looked so sweet in the photo. I had just heard the repeat of your drama....i suddenly felt that the angel is actually Xiao Ya's first love....haha dont why feel in this way but just find that is sweet...Xiao Ya, all along cannot forget the first love, maybe is another way for the first love to take care of her....if the story runs in this way,also seemed not bad =p....I am looking forward for the story.
hey, anyone know the title of alex toh's song in the radio drama? its very nice. :)
hi, err, i heard last year tat ur b'dae is on 12月5日!!!! Mine's too!!! wish u a happy bdae!!!
until today i just know....
u r so~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pretty neh~~ =^o^=
***YEE SYE***
go go, jia hui
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