This Beijing trip is solely for work cum Wang Lee Hom. If not for work/Lee Hom, I don't think I'll go to Beijing again (after spending 3 wks in Beijing and 2 wks in other parts of China 6 yrs ago on a school immersion trip...u get wat i mean...haha...)
Anyway, here goes! =)

taken right after e precious 10-min exclusive interview for YES933...

taken b4 e interview while waiting...

nice cheap japanese lunch buffet! all-u-can-eat for oni S$20!!! sashimi inclusive!!! (btw she's e nice SonyBMG promo exec who went wif me...cynthia...thanks!)

i tried the special fizzy drink with whipped cream! not bad lah...but e poster is nicer...very nan de...must take pix!
Yea!! I 1st to post =p
WA...JIA HUI! U SO LUCKY!!!! haha
nice taken photos =) keep up teh good work jia hui... love to listen to ur programme =)
Hey jia hui! Envy your trip man! everytime got to eat so much nice food. Share more photos and experience yeah?
Hope u have taken your break lo. haha.. See you soon yeah! =)
hi jiahui , nice pic taken...............u look so sweet on the pic ........keep it up .go jia hui go
hahaha jia hui, i like li hom too!! your pic beri nice!! btw can ask u something... y my yu le jin pai wang gift have not received yet ar? I is May win wan lor!! can help me check pls.. thankz :)
just dropped by to say hi to my favorite DJ in the whole world. =)
nice pics JH.
rock on.
' nonono. no heaven no hell. just skye... '
super nice pic!! u r so pretty!
the trip to beijing seems fun! getta see wang li hong, the prince charming in many ppl's eye yea? haha. i'm getting really excited too! regarding jay chou coming to sg!!! wahhahaa.
Congratulation JiaHUI!!! u have been name no 63 in the FHM sexiest woman in the world =) U got ur sexy side too =p Stay sexy.... Act like ur image in the movie 'Men in white" quite ah lian huh =P
ya heard from kitty! tot i was no. 61 or sth?? MUAHAHA!!! I M SEXY?! haha...can anyone send me e scanned page of the magazine or sth?? hehe...super curious...
hey! Glad that my shots of you were well taken!! Hahaaa! Anyway its nice working with you on the trip. If we kena such short trips again, i will be sure that my photograpy skills will improve by then:P
Hi linus love joye, who the 1st in the FHM sexiest n what the no. of Peifen? Thanx.
hey akeong,
haha! thanks for taking my pix! if there's another biz trip together, i hope it's hk or tw. haha!
btw thanks to those who always leave comments on my blog! i'm reading every one of them~~!! =) oh ya, karen, my promo exec shld be getting to u soon. i will pass them ur contact again. sorry for e wait!!! =P
1st is andrea fonseka ,a former miss malysia. Peifen got no 49 in the sexiest fhm top 100
jia hui, i can send u a phot of the page. How can i send u? they piblish the photo that u wore a blue super shrt dress.. haha
hi laura,
thanks for ur encouragement! i really appreciate it! thank u! =)
Hi linus love joye, thanx 4 ur reply. Any mediacorp artists or former Miss Singapore like Jamie Teo 2001 or Joanne Peh 2002 in the sexest top 100. Can list some of them n their positions, thanks again.
Congrats on ur nomination on FHM list.
hello jiahui! can ask you about submitting entries to zui xing long hu bang? can 4 friends vote for the same song and send it to 933 using the same envelope? (i.e 1stamp but 4 coupons) will it be counted as 4 votes?
U r soooooooooooooo cute lohz..
Saw u at compass..
Ur blog de pic are oso nice..
Jiayou, k?
omg omg lee hom lee hom !
i wana be a dj too! hah
wa...u look sweet..(^,^)
Hi Jia Hui! Really like your enthu in your voice leh! very energetic and sweet also!! JIA YOU JIAYOU!
wad lee hom?
hi jiahui,
can i ask u, this pic u post wif leehom, the white top u r wearing, bot frm where?? look nice on U !!
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