New Hair Colour!
Thanks for e ur compliments with regards to my role in 《215的约定》! And thanks to those who left me comments telling me to blog more! hehe...actually i do check every other's more motivating to update more when i c more ppl leaving comments lah...heh..which means leave more comments for me k???!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!
anyway the objective of this blog entry is to show u my NEW HAIR COLOUR!! can u tell e difference??

eerm, it's sup to be of a lighter shade, and more matte. if not obvious, nehmind lah...hehe...juz wanna noe if anyone can tell e diff...=P
P.S. btw if anyone has any pix of me at events or sth, feel free to send me k? cos i usually dun have pix of myself at events...go event alone, can't possibly take out my camera in public and take myself right?? =P thanks in advance!!
hello jiahui,
nice hair colour:)
btw, i do have the pictures for 215 gathering but i realise there's not much of your photos (SORRY=P)
if you wanna take a look im able to send you the link, as i uploaded them to my photoalbum, but how am i able to send it to you?
hee. tk care.
feel free to email me at =) thanks!
er actually can't really see much difference but anyway u still look good!
btw saw all the event photos uploaded in jiafa's blog so maybe u can visit jiafa's blog 4 the photos...
Hi hi! I think the last time I saw you (in Aussie), your hair colour was about the same as this yea?
Can I request something? As you know I'm serving NS by preventing crimes in Spore, do u have a copy of all the episodes of ur 《215的约定》? Then i can listen to them at one shot! haha..
I think this request is too troublesome. But it will that your all time favorite listeners can download/ have them. =)
Take really good care and HOPE to see u soo!
Hi Jiahui, really hope u update more. Come to yr blog every day has been my daily task le, haha.
Hi Jiahui,
You did well in 215. Haha..though the character a bit bitchy and evil..Two more episodes to go, wonder what will you end up with (i mean character wise). But I got a feeling the plot of you spending the night with Yue En was fake, haha...maybe watch too much TV dramas..Anyway, keep up the good work, sweet pretty Jiahui!
ur new hair colour is nice..
and im wearing the same hair colour as u too~~ hee..
I shall take pictures of you next time when you are hosting outdoor events...
hey... i love the 215的约定 ... cant wait to see wat happen 2morrow...
nice hair color 2o...
can can can.can see the diff..hahaha.
& of course u did well in 215.evil but nice :D:D:D
wah..the last part of the 2nd last episode where u cried until very jialat was nice..finally turn over a new leaf! =X
yeap yeap can see the difference =) very very nice!! you look very sweet and pretty with long hair! =D
sigh! today is officially the last ep of 215的約定 already!
雞皮疙瘩個幾次, 鼻酸但是沒辦法因為在公司!
太依賴這個廣播劇, 都不知道下個星期怎麼辦.
嘉惠製作! 哇哈哈哈=P
Nice hair color!!!
Post more pictures when you are free!!! haha
Hi Jiahui, can share how u spend the weekend?
saw the diff of the hair color!!!
is nice!!! This is brighter.. =D
215 is nice!!! JIA U!!! =D
hi jiahui,
saw you at the event at cineleisure for the coffin..
but didn't take photo~
next time see u again then i take for u.
blog more often and JIAYOU!
hees. =]
hiie jiahui. nice hair color. gd acting in 215. e ending not bad. but it's sad tat minshan...
are you still the straight hair?
i more like you in curly hair, more lady look..
Ha ha
Hey jiahui, what's yr hair colour called?
haha (:
i sent you the pics already =)
May I know you cut hair in which salon?
moshi moshi jiahui your hair so kawaii nat..gambate heehee sayonara!!!!
wah.. u're good in 《215的约定》. u look nice as always...:)
Hey Jiahui, update lei..
thanks for all e comments! i got my hair done at Jeric salon...branches in Suntec, Bugis Junction and Plaza Sing...but i usually go to the ones at Bugis or PS...dunno wat colour it's called hairstylist decides e colour for me everytime...they shld noe best wat colour looks good on me...dun like dark colours though...haven had black hair ever since i entered e industry...=P
New hairstyle?
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