Jazz By The Beach

finally a day to relax...had been feeling down lately...but thanks to all e frens who offered me words of advice and encouragement...really appreciate it. =)
anyway, yup, went to Jazz By The Beach @ Siloso Beach wif my frens n we really had fun there! The drummer is Louis Soliano...won Best Drummer in the 70s when most of us weren't even born yet (oops)...the guy on the keyboard is the renowned Redwan Ali. Tried the luge and skyride as well! But of cos, no pix for tat...haha...

P.S. The next Jazz By The Beach will be in Sept. U'll see me there then. Tata! =)
yeah..relax =)
Hi Jia Hui!
我 很 喜 欢 听 你 主 持 的 节 目。
If you don't mind, can I ask you a question? I would just like to ask you is it every monday, during "yi zhou hao xiao yao", you & chong qing will not play the "ming xing da jiu dian"? Cos i had been tuning in for the past few mondays from 5pm to 9pm but i always didn't hear you & chong qing play the "ming xing da jiu dian" and it's only on mondays...so i don't know if is it i missed hearing it or is it you & chong qing will not play it on every monday? I know that you had not been hosting for the past few mondays but can u help me to find out & i hope to hear from you soon! Thanks alot! Sorry for bothering you.
Be happy and Enjoy ur holidays!
Take care & Enjoy urself!
I hope that u will reply back to me. Thanks!
Lastly, i want to wish u a Happy Labour Day!
we do play it on mondays...usu at ard 6+pm...maybe u missed it or smth? =)
原來《明星DJ争霸赛》on air 的那个trailer,里头的那把女人声音,是你的萧妈,我一直在想是谁。。。。。
hey nu ren!
haha...1st time posting here to u....well..every1 will be feeling down at some point...me too actually haha
but wat matters is the every next morning, u wake up and see the bright sunshine shining and smiling at you, u will know tat life is beautiful and everyday is a fresh new start!
and..u have lots of frds supporting u..tats the best thing tat can ever happen to any1
Jiahui,in life,there is ups and downs.We have to learn io overcome them. Like yr so called high voice on radio. Best wishes JIAYOU
Jiahui, anything wrong? Dun feel upset.Always look on the positive side of things.Can update yr blog please.
Hello Jia Hui...
I love the yes 933 radio drama...can you tell more about the next drama?
hihi, the next radio drama is ...《二十年的初恋》。pls support from 7 to 10 may!
btw i've realised that some ppl have been disputing over a certain issue on my blog lately...=/...pls allow me to share my tots? it is great to know that listeners and supporters are interested to know how i've been...and it's definitely heartwarming to receive words of concern and encouragement from u all. =) thank u so so much...however, to answer some readers, i oni blog when i have words or pix to share. i dun like to blog for e sake of blogging. i would love to share my tots and life with u all, but tat's oni when i have tat to share. similarly, when u have something to share with me and other readers, feel free to post them here too. if not, it's ok. =) i sincerely hope that communication on this platform is happy and stress-free. and i believe we can make it tat way. stay happy! =)
Hi Jia Hui!
Thanks for coming down to NP today! Hope you enjoyed your day here in your 母校, and we sure hope to see you again! Gambatte with deejay-ing, all the best! (:
hihi jiahui,
was blog surfing... n am a gr8 fan of 93.3FM... luv all the programmes on air!!! u guys rox my day!!! =D
wanted to b a part of u guys but was out frm top 50 list of the DJ search... anyway, gambatte!!!
Hi Jia Hui!
I am also one of yes933 radio drama supporters...So sad that today's the last episode of the last radio drama...
By the way, i was listening to ur programme today just now but i missed wad did chong qing said about ur radio drama...If u don't mind and if u can remember, can u pls tell me wad did he say? Because I'm very curious to know wat did he say...I would really appreciate it very much
Thank you very much!
Take care & Stay happy always!
Best wishes to you & have a great day ahead!
Hope that yes933 will have more radio dramas soon...hope that it will not stop for too long...
hihi, can anyone help me wif tis?? whenever i log in this wk, i can't seem to blog cos the "new post" page doesn't load properly...there's no column for me to type...all e icons (e.g. font, link, insert image, etc) are all squeezed to the left hand side of e page. is there a prob wif blogger or is it juz my browser? =(
blogspot should be having the below technical problem since yesterday till now:
"This server is currently experiencing a problem. An engineer has been notified and will investigate"
some functions are working properly, some are not.....
im also facing these problems...guess blogger down ba =)
Still got problem posting yr next entry? Hope to hear from u soon.
e prob is still persisting...how? is it cos of e blogger server? anybody who still has e same prob? =(
I still have the same problem..But can post...=(
Hi Jiahui,
How abt u, can u post yr next entry
Jiahui, what happen to Zhiyong? Hear that he had broken n dislocated bones. Do u know what actually happened.
i can't post at all! wat to do???
Hi Jiahui,
didnt u try to get some computer expert to help u as it was already so many days?
Hi Jisahui, how is everything, can u post yr new entry, looking farward to it.
Sorry. typing error, should b Jiahui.Hope can hear from u soon.
hi jiahui jiejie I hope you are feeling better now.. 'always pick yourself up when u fall' =D cheer up.. I've encounter the same problems too.. I can't post for the past few days but I managed to post today maybe u can try again.. anyway jia you! U'll always have my support :)
Hello JiaHui!
Huiying here. The ger that took pix with you at 933 bdae bash and you asked abt my dress. I also talked to you at Star Dj event. REM? hehe. Hope everything if getting better for you. Stay cheerful & Happy! I've read from peifen's blog that you guys went to tonkichi restaurant. The food looks yummy! haha. R you feeling better after the sumptuious meal? hee. Hope to see you again soon and lets take pixs again! hee.
Cheers =)
hi huiying, yes i rem u!!! ya, i do feel better now. finishing all e stuff tat needs to be done and going thru retail therapy do help. haha!
Jiahui, then what abt yr next post entry? Can u post now? Concerned.
stop forcing her on new post la..
Hi anonymous above,
We are not forcing her,just concerned whether she can post her new entry or not.If cannot, We are ok with it also. Domt use the word Force anyhow.
All The Best
Jiahui, drinks more water n take care of yrself hor as 2 guys are already down.
Hi Jiahui,
In case you are still unable to post, the trick is to change the URL of your create/edit post webpage from "http://www.blogger..." to "http://www2.blogger...".
Post it here for the benefit of those with the same problem.
jia hui jia hui~
JAZ here (:
jazz by the beach sounds really nice..
haha. hope to see you around during september?
and i took a photo on the SILOSO thing too.
so when i saw your blog i was like..
EH! that photo~~
haha. hope you're doing well and all ya.
cheerios~ (:
black horse king paper here.Yup,so looks like u do enjoy urself during labour day.
So good,but sad to say at that time i was at penang for work requirement n juz back not long tis wk but Nxt week gonna fly again,haiz......... for 2wks again.
Will b reali sad coz beri lonely there,can oni face the beach every nite.
Btw can u help mi send regards to cruz n chongqing,i oni heard bout the news recently.
jia hui!!
Happy vesak day!! =)
Hi Jiahui, when u lead tour to Australia next wk, take more photos there n post on yr blog when u come bk ok? Like to see yr nice nice pics, thanks.
hi Jiahui
Post more of your australia trip photos when u r back ya...
I jus wondering if anyone told you that the actress, 江芷妮, resembles you. Her show is currently shown on Channel U, To Get Unstuck In Time. She's the cousin, the policewoman.
could someone update on how is Chong Qing?
Hi anonymous above, he is discharged from the hospital n is resting at home.
jiahui when can i see u again
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