Happy V Day!
Hope ur valentine's day was a happy one! And the one beside u is e right one! Hehe...
Saw this during a sale that was in conjunction wif V Day...and decided to buy it! My best friend and I concluded that we really dun understand men...and we kinda dun understand why it's e same type of probs surfacing for every couple...every couple goes thru e same things, ultimately whether things will work out or not largely depends on how the both of you compromise and settle things. Hope we'll learn something out of it!
The much-raved about "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus"!

Well.. just learn to give & take and try not to point fingers at each other.. this way u can be a happy & loving couple :D
Aiya this not necessarily apply just to husband & wife or to any other couples. Between frens also the same. If u can understand the opposite sex well, u could get along well with one another too.
Unless it's really Ba Zi Bu He.. then it can't be helped lol.
eh, when u're done with the book lend me leh.. keke.. take ur time though..
yeah, I have this book too. and another one by John Gray. I think he is quite insightful.
Where to find the book?,Ms Xsiao.
I also readin the book now. it was great! =)
understand u urself as a woman first.
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