Taiwan food! *drools* =)
yoyoyo, i'm back from taiwan! i spent e last 5 days in taipei. it was not too bad. a bit worn out from e shopping and sight-seeing. took some pictures of course (cos so many of u wanna c pix! hehe!), but since some of e pix r wif my fren, i'll take more time to upload those pix for u all to c...
meanwhile, these r e food i bought!
allow me to introduce...from 淡水- the famous 阿婆铁蛋,鱼酥 and muah chee!!! supposedly "阿婆铁蛋" is e best cos this 阿婆 is e 厉害阿婆 who invented 铁蛋! she had wanted to 卤 some eggs, and she din keep track of e time...and TA DA!!! super iron eggs!!! haha...it's very chewy and the flavour is great! i've tried other brands but i haven tried this yet...but i reckon it shld be fab!

this one is a great find from Watson's! i've always been a fan of 枇杷膏。and i found 枇杷膏 sachets over there! extremely convenient for u to bring them out rather than e heavy glass bottle! NT120 for 12 sachets...tat means ard S$0.50 for each sachet...not cheap leh...

this one is so cute!!! "Biagra" sweets!!! For both men and women! hmmm, tell me, who needs it????? i give u lah...HEHE...

i bought e blue one for my guy fren...and e pink one for my gal fren. and no, they do not know each other leh. hehe...and too bad, my female fren is married already! moreover, after reading wat's on e packaging, i'm contemplating to keep this for myself! guess wat's on e packaging?
dun think my 幸福 married female fren needs this more than me lor...=...(
finally, this is a great find!

no kidding...this is edible!!! sweets! so cute right?! heehee...
Welcome Back !!! Jiahui ...
Glad you have a nice time in Taiwan ...
Bought so many things worx, Haha ...
hop u have fun time at tiwan
wow! really nice food n intresting!kekez looking at wad u write tells me that u really hav a fun time there=D hmmmm.... ur tibits look tempting... can i have some? haha
best regrads
wah i din noe u went taipei. with who? its a long break.i wanna go taipei. eat eat.eat.
the sofie...abit disgusting but taste nice or not? hahaa. check out my meebo i just installed in my blog. u may wanna add that in so u can chat with ur fans privately. Hmm. anw, i also hve some layout problem! the layout like all standardised. no flexibility. Hvnt asked my IT fren regarding wat u asked yet. will do k.
hello JiaHui!!
Woo! Looks like u had a great time at Taiwan!! I miss TW!! Did u buy any of the pineapple tarts there? V yummy! Upload the pics u took over there okie?
really nice to hear that u r back.. wil be waiting for ur host.. jiayou..!!!
welcome back to singapore... nice pics
welcoME BACK! Jiahui.Yeah finally u r back.lookin yr food make me drools 2.The sofie look cute.How does it taste? Is it sweet? share wif me some lah! haha. Try already ? tell me how does it taste.
I 加油 u post more pix and tell us how e sofie taste.
Go,Go i jiayou u go write on yr blog.i look 4ward 2 yr host 2.Tok more about TaiWan when u host K????
hello jiahui! you're back! yayyyy! hee..the stuff u bought are so ke ai! i shall go find them when i go taiwan at the end of this month. :) u bought all these in taipei?? hope u had a nice break and can now do even better for your programme! jiayou! :):)
hahaha i was listening to your prog on 933 and i was just reading your blog and saw the pad-look-alike sweet. HAHA! so cute la.
wadeva family 的小貓~~~
First and foremost,welcome back Jiahui! Guess you have a really good time in Taiwan and can see that you bought a lot of interesting stuffs back from Taiwan that I think we rarely see in Singapore.
Anyway,was really glad to hear your voice over the air juz now after you have been gone for about a week. Continue to 加油 and take care,"小柚子" ! :p
(PS: No offence for calling you by that name. I found it quite funny when you mentioned it on air juz now.)
hope u had fun!...glad that you're back...
Jiahui~ I also wanna go 淡水 sia~ i wanna go there find someone.. lolx.. Anyways, Taiwan looks really fun neh.. with shopping items that sg dun haf.. hope one day i can get to go taiwan or japan.. *dreaming* ~>.<~
WOw ,I lIke taiwan Food too ..Love ShiLin's炸雞排!!
and I LoVe the 淡水鉄蛋tOo。。haha ...tOo MuChz NiCez fOoD DeRz...
HoPe tHer"ll Be eVeNt aGaIn sOoN so I cAn fLy aGaIn...haHa..
aDd oIl
LOL! The last pic gave me a shock.. until i read the description that its edible.. o.O
watch's tat sofie thin?
is it sweet?
jus realise sumone is usin the same name as me.
come tag at my blog la..anybodi also can come.
haha..sry.usin ur blog as mii advertisement machine..
yayaya!!! the muah chee is really very nice!!! but i nv been to tw before haha...
n the sofie sweet.... erms... very creative of them haha...
hey nice pics! ure so pretty! anyway the sophie marshmellows can be found at jurong point! there're many others like plasters(chocs) and injection needles (jelly). very cute haha
yo remember mi im xgjy fan niu .....hehe .... wats the ting in the blue n red box....
really? can get these at Jurong Point? which shop?? help me check out how much leh...hehe...
thanks keechor. keechor is a personal fren of mine. indeed, taiwan seems to be a fun place. =) still planning my next travel destination though...wondering where i shld go? =)
the mashmellow is sold @ jp basement near to the liberty.. dunno still around or not.. cost @ $9.90 each.. got pink and blue color one..
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