如果在yahoo或google等search engine键入“YES933萧嘉蕙”,我的部落格会是第一个出现在搜寻结果名单上的吗?有办法可以那样子做吗?
不喜欢分离。。。我亲爱的小表弟在明天要到澳洲去念书了。他说,不会常回来。。。因为在澳洲买机票比较贵。。。=Z 什么话嘛。。。大家会想他耶。。。所以我也只能计划着再过几个月过去探望我这可爱,讲义气的小表弟。好啦,他也没小我很多啦。。。3年而已。。。说真的,还挺舍不得他的。
my cousin and his gf gave me a card reader b4 they left for australia! thanks coussie n gf! now i can put up more pix of myself! muahaha! 自恋!

these were taken quite some time ago...but no card reader then, so can't transfer...扮鬼脸的照片比较不欠扁。。。找到几张装可爱的照片,我看到之后,噢,也好想海扁自己哦!!!*扁自己!!!* 所以还是不放那些了啦。。。哈哈!
P.S. 如果你要找到我的话,你是一定会找到的。=)
lol..2nd picture lyk Bugs bunny..eating carrot..haha...Anyway..hope u will be alright about the leaving of your cousin..haha...3 years very fast over 1 !!! ^^ By then your cousin should be a very mature person..haha..
ni hai hao mah??don feel sad abt leaving ur cousin lah...i'm sure he will miss u too...just blink ur eye 3 years veri fast over de...no matter how far he is away from u...u both are still looking at the same moon...just look at the moon when ever u think of him...btw did u went to vivo city ytd??i went there but just cant find u..haizzz
你扮鬼脸的样子真的很好笑wor! 真是想不到你会不顾形象地把这样的照片放在部落格上. 谢谢你与大家分享你搞怪的一面. 加油wor!
It's sad that your cousin is leaving you, but that's part of life. People whom we had great moments with at different parts of our lives, will be constantly moving around and we may lost in touch with them. 天下无不散的宴席,只要带着真诚的祝福献给你的表弟,那就应该能让他记住你对他的想念!
tot Jiahui's biao3 di4 is 3 years younger than jiahui, not he going away for 3 years? =p Nowadays its quite common to chat using webcam so the level of si1 nian4 can be reduced by a bit lah..
jiahui, actually without card reader, you can always use cable to transfer right? don't tell me cable lost hoh =)
these pics posted already look quite qian4 bian3 so can't imagine your other pics not posted ones =O
anyway, jiahui jiayou (rhymes leh..) in all your endeavours!
Jiahui mei
regarding the "如果在yahoo或google等search engine键入“YES933萧嘉蕙”,我的部落格会是第一个出现在搜寻结果名单上的吗?有办法可以那样子做吗?", of course 有办法! =)
Something to do with meta tags ;)
Try adding this to the blogger html template, put at the TOP line k.
< zhutou name="keywords" content="YES933萧嘉蕙" >
PS: ah.. blogger blocks some key HTML tags in the comments, please replace "zhutou" with "meta". =)
hi seng,
thanks for ur msg but i can't seem to get it right leh...can enlighten again?? i put tat for e top line...must delete anything? can print screen for me?? hehe...can email me at xiange@mediacorpradio.com...hehe...thanks!
btw bt, i need a card reader cos all these pix r taken using my hp...not digicam lah...
jia hui.. u looks cute !! on those pics.. keep it up.. stay cool @_@
ha u always take pics at that spot beside ur shelf. hehe.
heyo jiahui jie.
don think need to delete anithing:):)
btw,the second pic cute sia ...haha... :)see the video of u gals dancing rite?how was it ...
can post up the pic of feilunhai 2nd gift anot.. thanks..
Jia hui:
Will you be there as host for luo zhi xiang autograph session at bishan junction 8 this saturday??
Hello Jiahui,what time will u be in NUS on monday(12/02/07) and tuesday(13/02/07) for the hosting of the bazzar event? Thanks.
Take care too! :)
jia hui!! how come the friday's 11-1 session is not u this 2 fridays?
when i tune in, i only hear pei fen's voice and a very funny one on wei bin's. are you ok?? hmm... in not muz take ok? i look forward in hearing ur voice the next time i tune in.=)
to the frens who r concerned abt me, dun worry, i'm fine! i'm merely clearing my leave lately...cos i've been doing one-person shift all this while, it has been very diff for me to take leave...and i guess for most ppl, e best days to take leave is either on fridays on mondays to create a long wkn. so dun worry, i'm juz clearing my leave to take a break and to meet up wif frens. =)
hello! saw u for the 1st time today at NUS. You look very cute and pretty! =)
thanks caren! haha! u shld have come up and talk to me mah! hehe! dun shy dun shy...anyway, today is V day!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY V DAY TO ALL!!!!!!!!!! for those without a V, got me got me...muahaha!
Hi, saw you at NUS the other day too. You certainly look different from what I imagined you to be from the photos. Somewhat more petite and definitely prettier! Hope to see you hosting more events over at NUS!
hello jia hui I came from tg balai karimun nice to meet you
Go yahoo search for jiahui or sweetaudiodelights can found you blog worx..
Hey Jiahui, im new here, actually i wan to call every Wednesday nite de for the idol's mystery gift. But i cannot, cuz of my mum lor. Btw, got time can tag me @ melvintay.blogspot.com???
Jai Hui don't know when you say you want to put tagboard right. I know. First you go to www.cbox.com and creat a acc at cbox then you follow the step they give then the tagboard will be in your blog le. If cannot then you go to my blog and left a message at my tagboard i reply you in your blog.
You want blogskin go to www.blogskin.com and copy the whole thing then you login blog and backspace all your template words then copy the thing you get from blogskin.com ( *the cbox also will be copy and paste in the template then the cbox will then be in your blog.)
hello jiahui jiejie..Remember me?? so nice chatting with u!! thats my best new year eve :) anyway have not got the time to send u the pics.. will send to u asap! hope to c u soon.. take care:) Ranie
Hi Jiahui,祝你:
Take care and stay happy alwayz!
Sorry Jia Hui Jie i give you the wrong address. The correct one is www.cbox.ws then correct. Hope to see your blog have a tagbpoard and blogskin soon.
I still think that leaving comments here is more fun ...
Cause if have tagboard many ppl go go spam. If no one spam, many ppl tag there will not be knowing what section of post are they tagging at, so it is difficult to reply them ... :)
My view lah ... Haha
hello! im one of the thousands of listeners of xian ge ji yi. haha. anw, update us abt how u spent cny lei.. (:
hello jia hui jie.. send u the pics already!! let me know when u recieve thks :)
thanks vivien! but actually eerrm, i've nv mentioned that i wan a tagboard...some ppl gave me comments on wat i can add to my blog...but i'm not an advocate of tagboard cos i'm indeed worried abt spamming. haha! but thanks so much for ur advice! next time, if i encounter a technical issue or sth, perhaps u can enlighten me too! hehe...
hihi jia hui!
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