i finally have the time to blog! was extremely bz wif radio production (drama), etc, for e past 2 wks...
i'm currently doing a kids tv variety show called "我的超级便当". The first season was done by my very pretty friend Ezann Lee and Ben Yeo. For this second season, it's me working with Ben Yeo. It's a prgm whereby two groups of two kids learn to prepare a certain dish and actually get to cook the dish all by themselves during the actual shoot. i'm a bit pai say that i can't help much...I REALLY DUNNO HOW TO COOK!!!!! 我真的不会煮!我只有一张嘴!know how to talk talk talk only! it's much easier to comment and explain things than to really get hands-on on the food preparation/cooking etc...
had fun last wk with yixuan and meixuan...though we din win eventually, it was actually fun working with them!

hmmm, i only look a few years older than these two 11-year-olds right? ok i admit, other than the cutie ponytails, it's my height that makes me look like a kid. 有些11岁的小孩儿都长得比我高!!!!!好丢脸!!!!!!!!
that day, we went to a food court for lunch, and the 3 of us were walking around to see what food stirs our appetite. at one point, we made our moves to different stalls and i stopped in front of a 猪杂汤stall...the stall asst asked "小妹,要吃什么?" i tot it was ok...but when i went back again to get soy sauce, she asked again, "小妹,你要什么?" the way she offered help made me realise that maybe she thought i'm a sec school kid leh!!!!!! i dunno if i'm overly sensitive...but it could be true! maybe she thinks i'm around my team members' age! *faints*
i'm not gonna whine abt "为什么我长得这么矮????!!!!!", i seriously dun think it's gonna help. instead, i shall ask "我要到哪里才可以找到舒服的高跟鞋???!!!!"
since there's no way i can change my height (i'm definitely not gonna 打断脚骨and get an iron extension), so might as well accept this fact and find a solution, i.e. comfy heels.
and allow me to console myself that at least i'll still look young when i reach 30, 35, 40, etc...maybe i'll look like my children's 大姐 instead of 妈妈 in the future. MUAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *安慰*
ok, while i can look like i have yet to gone thru puberty...-_-
i can aso look like a 真正的女人 k??????

was out drinking on good friday...i haven gone drinking for more than a year! miss the fun...i dun go drinking often lah...but chilling out occasionally definitely makes me relaxed (i really needed to let my hair down this mth!)...difficult to capture the light in a pub...there's only candlelight! (romantic sia...heehee...)
hehe, its always good to be misunderstood for being young yea. The younger the better! :)
Seriously, you look gorgeous in your last pic. Hope you wont be too saddened over your height . Actually being short is cute too ! =)
haha gwen's right! I thought all girls loves to look younger den they are? :p never post photos of ur 战利品s ah? hah! nice pict btw!
haha...it's great that one can always look young even when they aged!!!
So it will always be an arduous task to know ur age lor!!=) (haha always 19岁...不老的传说)
anw dun be too sad abt ur height lah...everyone have imperfection, maybe for u is ur height, but i believe u certainly have ur own perfect attribute which makes u unique from others!!!
can see the drastic contrast in your first and second photo... from a 小妹 to 熟女 ... but u still look dazzling in both photos!!!=)
it's always so great to go drinking with a company of friends to relieve all the stress faced during at work! and u must have really spent a great time there!
Love the way that god has given you, cos you are unique from the others...
Anyway, being younger than your actual age is good!
Cheers! =)
Is good to looks young leh, pple want also dun hv.
Is gd to lok ya n pretty stay pretty n lok young 4eva haha (= yep cheers happy woking @ radio staion ba(=
Hi Jiahui,
nice pictures. =).
JIAHUI jiejie!!!!
HOW ARE YOU?? still remember me?? ahh you look so gorgeous as usual ^.^ hahaha anyway, its alright being not tall keke :p cause i'm also very short ;p i'm 16 yet people think i'm only primary sch :p heheh but it isn't that bad lar...go certain places still can be children then only need to pay children price hehehe =D (自我安慰).
Anyway, do take care and all the best :D
hahaha....u really look like a kid when u r with the kids.
jiahui u till look very young&pretty (:
is good always looking young (:
At least u can switch from cuttie pie to gorgeous babe leh. =)
Work hard and play hard yup.
And please meet up sometime k?
hey jiahui post more pics
u look awesome everytime ~
have a nice day ya ~
Hi Jiahui,
You looked great & gorgeous!!!
From your morning show - 'jiushiwanrenmi' introduction, i know u r only 41 kg. Normally where u shop for clothes? Coz i'm only 40 kg, it's not easy for me to buy clothes. Especially for smart casual wear and pants. R u facing the same problesms? Do u know in Singapore, where can get smaller size clothes? Hope you will share some info with me. Thanks!
I agree wif the previous Anonymous that short is cute...so u shouldnt worry(/feel bad) about ur height. For the part on stall asst calling u xiao mei...i tink u r too sensitive bah...-> S
hey jiahui it fraustratin sometym ppl call u short rite??but bcoz u r short ppl .say u r cute! haha,i m short too ,we r in e same situation!
Hey Jiahui, u look lady like in yr photo lei..
Hi jiahui, today is my first time sign up as blogger. Just to let u know I'm your new fan. Please acknowledge my existance. Don't know what to start for today, but very happy to make a first move.
Hope 2 hear from u soon, gd 9.
I think the car u tok abt this morning during ur air time is this 1 rite?
cooking is rather easy... just need some heart and soul, together with creativity that's all... jia you! :o)
how old is jiahui? =)
i also saw tat car b4... at woodlands area....
Jiahui, heard you singing on air that day n know u like singing.
I also like singing n I do organise facebook grp singing sessions about 2 months once basis. Our next session is on 13 June at Partyworld Liang Court.
Do let me know if u wish to join my sessions. Dun worry your identity will be strictly kept confidential.
Hi Jiahui! You look so pretty .. Can you reply my email?
I'm qiyun from Ep6 Fried Noodles of My Yummy Lunchbox Blue Team with Ben Yeo ;DD
嘉惠~我们是同一国滴~(关于高度的事)哈哈!u seriously looked very sweet~ :)Btw, yea~I fully agree with you about the 小孩的大姐instead of 妈妈。LOL!
hi yan,
i feel u sia...haha...
JH...u r sooo pretty....and u have great skin!!!
it's hard for zhiyong not to fall for u...hehe
ah!!!!! 我也和你一樣啦。
我才148 lehhhhh
dunnoe still can grow anort, but like never grow alr! omg.
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