Esprique Precious
weibin and i were invited to the media launch of Kose's new make-up line - Esprique Precious...u may have already read all abt it in some magazines...good, affordable, easy-to-use make up from your fav Jap brand! hehe...
the launch was actually quite cool! it's at Mt Faber Jewel Box (juz tat it's difficult to get a parking lot) and they had invited a make-up artist all the way from Japan to demonstrate to us how cool the make-up is!
captured a candid shot of the place (and the highly-sensitive-to-camera make-up artist) =P and notice how pinky the cocktail was and how it matched everything? hehe...pinky pinky...

thanks to the Kose team for the nice make-up! really very nice and very useful for "hiao" media like me and weibin...muahaha...

had the chance to try out their lip gloss...(so juz pay attn to the lips lah huh...e rest of e light make-up is done by me...not pro enuff lah...haha...)

ok ok, i noe, not chio enuff check out their model k?? hehe...sure chio lah~

U are so kawaii!
hello jiahui.. who say u not chio.. u look nice wor.. hahaz.. so cute too..
Hey Jia Hui,
You are pretty la.. ni shi mei de lor.. hehe.. anyway, u ladies so lucky lor.. if dey invited u all den the make up artist from JP sure make-up for you all oso rite? hehe.. anyway, you are pretty and adorable la.. dun worry.... =D
Bryan N
Hi Jia Hui,
Your flu was quite bad right? i could tell something was wrong immediately after i heard your voice lor. So i smsed. Take care and drink lotsa orange juice bah.. weather a bit bonkers nowadays.
hey! You look perfectly fine in the pic! Anyway, you recorded this week's ai mei li while you were sick right? Could tell from your voice. You've been down with the flu for so long! Hope you get well asap!
thanks all for ur comments and concern! =)
aiyoh :), flu where got so fast recover one?? u think i 神仙meh? haha! i still got some mucus lah...need to get rid of it....
Aww u look nothing but preety in that cute picture u took in your car.. Stay Healthy & most important preety always.. *Cheers*
Re: Place to park in wkday in raffles place at lunch hr..
LOL . Can what . Drink more water+rest more..i bao you okay one..see doctor ex lorhs..that time i flu arhs wah give all the pills then charge here charge there about 40+
Hihi :)
The model for the kose product is actually a famous singer from Japan. She did a duet with stefanie sun few years back. "My Story, Your Song"
Her actual name is Kuraki Mai 倉木麻衣.
hi 嘉蕙,
How have u been lately?
I've watched yr sunday morning shows.. You're absolutely a cutie pie just like the kids..
Really liked u.. =)))
hi 嘉蕙,
just wanna let you know that every morning when i send my wife to office, we will tune to 93.3fm. zhi yong and u have always put a smile to our face.
btw, can u tell zhi yong that his name Cruz, doesn't fit him de. haha. anyway, enjoy the weekends!!!
Hi Danpng,
thanks for ur comment! i kinda miss hosting e show actually...haha...=)
hi ceo,
wah, wat type of ceo r u?? hehe...ur wife's ceo ah?? hehe...thanks for ur support! glad tat wrm can make ur day leh...
aiyoh, u can leave a direct msg wif cruz and tell him tat his name dun fit him u wan me to say leh...muahahaha...
hi 嘉蕙,
haha... yes, i'm a real ceo (company owner type). i'm giving my company to my wife as well as my position, so she gets some sense of security while i could focus on building one more business.
cruz got blog eh? i must go google it out. seriously, both of you are really a good team. btw, is 933 ur first job? how did u apply for it?
嗨嘉惠, 我听了这期的就是爱美丽,知道你这期传授的是消小腹的秘方。可是,听了之后,我却忘了其中的细节,你可以留言,把细节再说一遍吗?不好意思麻烦你,我上了933的网站,却没找到。
hi weiwei,
here u r! =)
Hi Jia Hui,
Sorry for the "ba zhang lian" joke ah... aiya.. you are really pretty la =D hehehe..
Bryan N
hello jiahui,
just wondering, how come you're always soooo 'high' in the morning?? u wake up around 5plus am and then automatic high liao?? lol..
I love listening to WRM every morning. Makes working in the morning less dull! =)
R u very busy of late? Haven't seen you updating yr blog for quite awhile.. Hope to see more updates from u soon.. ^^
halo jiahui ^^ may i add u in facebook?probably its not convenient to announce your add here?my fb acc is :)
u r attractive enough... Real and simple...
Jia Hui!
can i ask you a question? do you know where i can get clothes for people who are skinny? i cant seem to get any that is suitable for me. i am 1.68m but i only weigh 43kg. its really a chore to find clothes that i like and suit me. ):
thank you! by the way, i love jiu shi wan ren mi!
haha.. jiu shi wan ren mi.. hey, any possibility that u and ding zhiyong will '擦出火花'? lol.. i think you two can be a good pair leh...
hi wan ting,
it's quite a headache for u...but i would suggest u alter ur clothes. tat's e best if u wan a nice cutting. =) neighbourhood tailors charge a lower rate.
and anonymous, ur comment made me laugh. =)
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