对于在舞台上演戏,我一点都不紧张。“周如意”这个爱美,HIAO HIAO,凶悍的大姐角色让我觉得得心应手。据说,崇庆这次是为了我们量身打造各个角色。但请让我澄清!现实生活当中,我是有点“恰”,但绝对没有这么HIAO!

《春花齐放2010》中最让我担心的就是独唱的部分。我一个人要连同74人的华乐团来表演《雨天》这首歌。我真得真的准备了很久。也特别找了歌唱老师练唱。当然,你或许也了解,当你真正上台表演时,你之前所学会的窍门顿时都会忘了!真得很可怕!做了很多心理建设,一直鼓励自己。也当然要谢谢一些朋友的支持,其中一位就是IVY,一直在我身边帮我压惊!不愧是讲义气的朋友!THANKS MAN! =)
事后我在想,如果我能在和74人华乐团进行现场演唱时表现得好,那么以后应该暂时没什么会难倒我了吧?!=P Good experience!
蛮特别的!在大年初一当天走马上任!而且还是情人节!难忘的2月14号!好有意义的一个日子!Hope to have ur support too! =)
接下来的日子,还有的忙得了。。。但是,在那之前,我要放假!My well-deserved break is coming soon! From coming mon onwards for 1.5 wks! Rarely go on a long holiday! But well, 1.5 wk isn’t tat long leh…but then again, better than nth lah…MUAHAHAHA.
This lunar new yr, I won’t be asking u for an ang bao (i’m still qualified leh…still single leh…muahahaha), but can u spare me $0.30?????
Singapore Radio Awards is coming soon!金唛奖即将来临!
To vote for ur fav radio personality, pls sms in! 请发送简讯支持我!Hehe…
Most Popular Radio Personality/最受欢迎电台DJ奖
SMS MP (space) Sub keyword (space) your Name & NRIC and send to 72346!
My lucky number is 61! 61! 61! 我的编号是61!请发送简讯。。。So pls sms。。。
MP (space) 61 (space) your Name & NRIC and send to 72346!
Thank you! 谢谢你!My nephew shall now express gratitude on my behalf...*takes a bow*

(Pls vote for my 姑姑!Just 1 vote will do! 谢~谢~~!!)
happy chinese new year to you!!!!!!
i also wish you 身体健康,hope you 再接再厉 in work and produce more good and funny radio program in 933,btw i also like your hosting in就是万人迷 and 醉心龙虎榜 espically when you talk with cruz and hope you like 爱美丽一样,天天美丽!!!!!!!
You really have such a busy time of your life!
Enjoy your break and see u soon!
ur nephew is cuteeee!!!
jiayou jiahui!!
all the best in this "tigerous" year!
Happy CNY~
thanks chaoan_96!
happy chinese new year to everyone!=)
yes, Will T, i'll enjoy my break! It's my well-deserved break! =)
and yes minyi, he's cute! though a lil naughty...haha...
Hey jiahui will support u being YES933醉心龙虎榜》第10届的榜主and all ur prog...will vote fer u 2. Jiayou!!
hav a good break!
Hi Jia Hui,is FM93.3 any vancancy for part-time DJ? Any idea? How do i go about it? Is it necessary that i need a diploma in media communication? If possible, tell me more information..
Just voted for you, Jiahui! all the best!
Hello Jia Hui,we will vote for you for the radio awards and your blog.I guess so far your blog is still the best for you give much insights to beauty products.Will vote for you.Jiayou and hope you will win it.
Dear Jia Hui,Looks like during 春花齐放2010 you look quite pretty and nice.Early in the morning it is nice to hear to host 933.Enjoy your break and hope to hear from you again when you are back from your trip.
:D Happy Chinese New Year to You!!!!!
Wishing you an awesome year ahead =)
All the very best and Take care!
Voted for you too ^.^
Thanks everyone! I'm back! =)
And to Eve, YES933 doesn't have vacancies for part-timers at e moment...usually, to qualify to work part-time, u'll need at least a JC education...and u can send ur demo over... =)
hi 嘉惠!请问就是万人迷的背景音乐叫什么呢?
Hey JiaHui!
Think I saw you today during a student studio visit for 938Live. Didn't get a chance to say hi then so .. HI again!!~ Haha :)
Looks like being a dj is pretty stressful (with the transparent windows argh must look nice even when working) but fun (haha can be surrounded by lotta albums and posters!)
wind :D
不晓得原来你有部落格嘛 所以……
虽然有点久了 但还是要感谢你让我很幸运有机会玩游戏
如果你还记得Sabrin是谁的话~ 谢谢你=)
hi Jiahui
Been enjoying reading your posts. Just wondering if you have a Facebook account where we can keep in touch?
wish ur legs have a fast recovery
hey.. jiahui.. heard from the boardcast that u hurt yourself while on your overseas trip. Take good care ok?!
so cute~
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