Motorola Backflip! My First Endorsement!
YES YES, IT'S MY FIRST ENDORSEMENT!! Thanks to Singtel for selecting me as the endorser for Motorola Backflip (which was launched exclusively at Singtel since mid-May...)!!!! :)

Motorola Backflip is a really really cool phone and it WOW-ED my frens especially when I set it to table-top mode and started watching youtube videos, looking totally relaxed and happy. haha...and yes, i dun have to hold on to my HP...cos e table-top mode sets the screen at 45 degrees...shiok!
while u r reading my blog now, i hope u have been following my facebook and twitter updates as well! i have been updating more frequently within e last 2 mths cos it's easier and so much more convenient wif a social networking phone, esp during tis period at home while on MC...can't walk ard much all i can do is to hold on to my phone and update update update and take pix lor...eerm, have i been spamming u wif my updates? i hope not... :P
while i'll be back to work soon, stay tuned to my facebook/twitter updates via my Motorola Backflip!!
Glad to see you updating your blog.
are u feeling better?
lfe is indeed a cycle, sometimes good and bad...
it is up to us to cherish the good and to take positive from the bad.
we challenge ourselves when the chips are down and that is wat god has created us in the beginning..
Hope that i am not making you bored.. haha, take care.
have a speedy recovery. Miss your voice on air...Jiayou!
thanks Will T and Glen! =)
Hello Jia Hui! :)
What is your Facebook and Twitter URL? Wanna add you! :D
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