Old Cow Vs Tender Grass 老牛与嫩草!
It will be out on 22 Jul! =)
for those who have already been to the gala last thu, thank u for ur support! i hope u've enjoyed e show!

it's my first time in a leading role...and a big thank u to the media who have covered e news for me too! =)
thanks to MDS Collections (www.mdscollections.com) for sponsoring my orange/white outfit! =)
and here's another one on the movie! =)
pls do support me and support this local movie! =) "Old Cow Vs Tender Grass" is not just mere comedy, hopefully it'll let u 笑中带泪! that's more meaningful, isn't it?? hehe...
Yo, i will watch it on friday...
Will watch this weekend!
"Old Cow Vs Tender Grass 老牛与嫩草!"
Very nice show.
Thumbs up for your superb acting for your first leading role.
Hello jia hui,nice performance keep it up =)
I just watch it yesterday... haha Nice movie...
nice blog.. just watched you movie and i have some comment on my blog for the movie..
have a view of my blog when free.. http://www.lonelyreload.blogspot.com .. do leave me some comment / guide if can.. if interested can follow my blog...
really like about your acting especially for the elderly scenes..
thumb up ~~
Dear Jiahui,
We from www.CozyCot.com love your blog and were wondering if you would like to star as a guest blogger on our site. Unfortunately we can't seem to find any of your contacts on this space. It would be awesome if you could return an email to us with your full name at magazine@cozycot.com so we can extend this invitation to you.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
The CozyCot team
i bought the DVD yesterday, was wondering who was the pretty girl in nurse uniform, so i goggled and found you!!! wahahah, great job, esp the part where you finally relented and went with the taxi driver, your body movement so cute loh!!! hahah guess i became your fan after this!
keep it up! i think you got potential!
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