Are you a natural beauty?? :) If you are, I hope you have been shortlisted by us!!
For the past few wkns, we've been on the search for natural beauties! Gorgeous babes with 自然美!!我们派遣了独具慧眼的Shokubutsu团队环岛搜寻美女的芳迹! might have seen 伟彬 and 陈罗密欧 around Orchard Cineleisure, 佩芬 and 杨子文 at Marina Square, and me 嘉蕙 with 张振寰 at Plaza Singapura, and may I say this?? There're lotsa gorgeous gals in Singapore!! ;P *whistle whistle*

Wow!! Looks really fun and exciting right?? :)
There's over $8000 worth of cash and prizes to be given away!! The winner will walk away with:
- $3000 cash
- 1 yr free subscription of Singapore's No. 1 bestselling magazine - i-Weekly
- 1 yr free supply of Shokubutsu products
- A Canon Legria HF M41 camera worth $1449
- A chance to be the cover girl of 《i周刊》时尚封面!
Aaaaaawwwwwwww...If I'm eligible for participation, I'll definitely join!!!!!!! *sulk*
Nevertheless, it's still my ultimate honour to be involved in this wonderful event!! Not only will I get to meet beautiful gals (谁说女生不能欣赏女生??!!=P), I'll get useful tips as well on how to make myself MORE B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!!!!!

Yes, it's the 《我i自然美》试镜活动 + "自然美"工作坊!i-Weekly Natural Beauty Workshop! It's an audition for the shortlisted pretty babes as well as a natural beauty workshop!
So how does it work?? How is it like?? Let me elaborate... ;)
Remember we've been in town to search for natural beauties?? We'll be shortlisting more than 40 beauties, and during this upcoming event, they'll compete against each other and the top 20 will enter the finals which will be held in mid November!
Other than that, it's also an event which you can participate too! How?????
You'll be receiving makeup tips from Greg-O, who will be imparting you with skills on how to achieve a natural/flawless look with your makeup products so that you'll look fresh and attractive! Yeah~!!!
Also, renowned celebrity stylist Steve Thio will enlighten you on the type of colours and style that'll bring out your personality and enhance your beauty! Wwwoooo~!!!
Wanna know how to capture the best shots on camera and video?? There'll be an instructor from Canon who will teach you just that!! And hey, that means more flattering and photogenic self-portraits made possible! Hehe...
What's more, you'll receive a free goodie bag and be pampered with tea and snacks as well! :)
Sounds like a marvelous way to spend a Saturday afternoon!! If you are already tempted, do grab a copy of i-weekly! Fill in the form, and fax or email to i-weekly! =) Seats are limited!! Registration ends on 12 October (Wed)!
And yes, I'll be hosting this event! So I'll cya at the i-weekly Natural Beauty Workshop! :)
Date: 15 Oct (Sat)
Time: 3-7pm
Venue: iluma, Main Atrium
Registration Fee: S$10
Special Appearances: Romeo Tan 陈罗密欧、Dawn Yeoh 姚懿珊
Wow so you look like this! I'm more familiar with your voice than how you look. You should be in the 我i自然美competition. Btw the photo of u at the dressing table doing your styling for 白鳳丸 looked a bit like Olivia Ong. Stay Chirpy Cheers!
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