你知道吗?每当我想起那段日子,我都由衷的打从心底很想感谢一些人。(虽然我在上篇文章说过,“you know who you are", but somehow i would still like to name some names, cos perhaps you have no idea how impt you were to me at that point of my life).
GOH. 谢谢你在那个晚上“收留”了我。虽然你人生当中有了不一样的priorities, but i know how much you wan to be there for me.
T.X.L. you were always there when i needed you. i still remember you making calls to me on ur way home, despite being tired and hungry. And like u've said, i do hope it's e last time that i'm whining to u over such matters. 希望老天爷可以给我更好的一个人哦。
I.T. “患难见真情”的好兄弟!*hits chest* (yes, it's already flat, i know.)
B.T. 谢谢你陪我度过了“猖狂的岁月”。有了你的保护,我可以很放心。
H.X.L. u may not 100% understand my story, but u still made time and effort to listen to me, and that's what real friends are abt!
K.T. whenever i'm lost, u r one of the first few I would like to look for for guidance. maybe somehow i know how much you would like me to be myself, then yet not get hurt. it's not easy, i know, but i'm learning as life goes on.
to my dear friends, thank you for allowing me to be myself. somehow i thk that's the most important thing in life and the most important thing you can give in a r/s, be it friendship or whatever love lah.
if not for all for you, i might not have survived the ordeal. 我不想太肉麻,我只想说小女子铭记于心。=) aiya, u all know one lah huh~ muahahaha. =)
so after what had happened, I realised that friendship is very very important. And I finally do understand it better now that it's very important to be there for someone, at a particular point in time, be it a night or simply two hours, just to listen and share, and for all you know, you might change someone's life. 朋友真的不用多,有知心的三几个就已经是个blessing了。
so 2011 was a year full of the unexpected. after spending several mths to realise how impt friends were to me, 之后的下半年是忙于工作。是忙到那种连休息都不够的!但是,我却觉得莫名的开心。我得到了好久没体会到的满足感。当一个人决定寄情于工作时,总希望自己可以做得最好!其实,除了是希望可以转移重心外,也是希望可以体会到自己的价值吧!
工作得好开心!!!!!*好想大声地告诉全世界* =)

方大同:他已晋升为我最钟爱的男歌手。我已经数不清他的《15》专辑我到底听了几次了。*LOVE* 总有一天,我会特地飞到香港就为了出席他的演唱会。I think he's worth it.


u know how doing certain jobs gets u all driven and energized again?? their events made me so, and i do appreciate that too. getting the positive energy from them was unexpected, and i truly did enjoy myself. looking forward to more of such energy in the new year!
so what else was there in 2011 that i wanna share with you??
2011的愿望之一是要参与舞台剧。《回音》就给了我这难得的机会。从13岁演到36岁,而且是在短短的15分钟内要表现出“陈有音”的成长哦。很有挑战性!I like! 比较私密的心情故事,我就不分享了。还是要谢谢帮我突破瓶颈的朋友。还有来支持的朋友。u know how much this means to me.

what was also unforgettable was of cos the bday surprise that came on after the finale, which was one day before my bday. i had moved on to the side of the stage when suddenly, ivy came back on and led me back to the centre of the stage, and then the whole crew of《回音》came forward and sang me a bday song. 喜极而泣/感动落泪。

i couldn't control my tears on stage when they sprung the surprise on me. i'm not gonna show the ultra uglier pix, unless u have access to my hp. =P what i wan to share is: 这份惊喜来得太突然了。出其不意。当天表演最后一场时是带着依依不舍的心情的,总觉得五场演得不够啊!满脑子只想着演出,所以根本就没料到大伙儿会为我庆生。在舞台上,眼泪会那么“汹涌澎湃”除了因为感动和惊喜之外,更是因为我在我自己很喜欢的舞台上度过了我人生中很重要的一个生日。长这么大,第一次有那么多人为我庆生耶。
On the actual day, i called along my good friends and we went for a Jap buffet! =) Yes, I love jap food! And they bought me my fav cheesecake, upon my request. It's the best cheesecake ever! From Rive Gauche...if you would like to know. =)

And 2011 ended with a blast in HK - the most fantastic holiday ever! Which I shall post another time, when there is more time to share.
So, yup, this was the gist of my 2011. Basically, why did I feel so much to want to write something to summarise my 2011? I was really touched by the quote from "New Year's Eve".
"It's (The ball for the annual NYE ball drop at Times Square) suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the New Year, to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To remember both our triumphs and our missteps - our promises made, and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures - or closed ourselves down, for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what New Year's is all about: getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about 'what if' and start embracing what would be. So when that ball drops at midnight - and it will drop - let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long."
The quote touched me. 一年过去之后,我们应该充满着希望去迎接新的一年。Come what may. 我们总是能不断的成长,希望能蜕变成更好的人。=) 人生不就应该是这样吗?
And so, time flies, though I might have said it a zillion times. Before we know it, 2011 has passed, and we welcome 2012, and of cos the Dragon Year!
Had a lot of gatherings for the past few days, with family and friends.
My cousin and I, and of cos my lovely niece and nephew. Yes, i totally agree that my niece shd be a 童星...so cute lor!!

Speaking of which, if you love babies, pls go watch《龙众舞》。Regrettably, the photo here didn't do Baby Nigel justice, but he was totally ADORABLE in the movie!! 看了之后,也好想生一个!=p

As for myself, I was pretty...UGLY...when I was a kid. A visit to my ex-neighbour got me this! A childhood pix! The two taller ones were my大哥and二哥。The pair of twins则是还有保持联络的旧邻居,个子最小的就是我。真不知道我在腼腆些什么。。。pai say lah! Heehee...

And finally, 昨晚的农历新年聚会在我家举行哦!Here are the friends who have been keeping me sane and down-to-earth over the past years. 感恩啦!

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