Tokyo 2007
yo, we've all juz came back from tokyo! i absolutely love the weather and food there! posting up some pix here...i dun have all e pix cos as usual, i was too lazy to take out my camera most of e time...hehe...
Looks like a lot right???

Don't doubt my appetite. I finished almost everything!!! It was a whole pot of pork and egg in delicious stew! Definitely one of my best japanese meals!
This got me really excited! I was rushing to take out my camera juz for him...ahhh...my福山雅治...

u've got it! That's Mt Fuji behind me. Mt Fuji leh! I rem reading abt it in my sec chinese textbook lor...

At Lake Ashi! A lake in the middle of the mountain...tat's wat's special abt's so so cold lor...i can hardly keep my eyes open for the picture...

i already told u it's very very cold lor...Eskimo Jiahui...muahahahahahahahaha...

Obviously this is e 到此一游kinda pic...haha....
Bought some stuff there...yup, including this blue trenchcoat...i felt like a japanese gal there!!! and trust me, my height is NORMAL there lor...not PETITE at all...NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL...