sweetaudiodelights - YES933 Jiahui 萧嘉蕙

Thursday, December 20, 2007

《我的主题歌》 recruitment drive 2

2008 is coming! i still can't believe it.

thanks to those who have participated in this segment! i still rem our conversations...;) for e past few mths, so many stories have touched me...esp love stories...envious...

if u have a song tt is of utmost significance to u, pls share it wif me!

this is a segment every mon and thu @ 3.40pm during my prgm 《午后万万岁》 where u can share wif us the story behind a special song...

it can be a song which ur darling sang to u on ur anniversary...and when he said those 3 words to u...

it can be a song that ur classmates and u performed during a school performance and it reminds u of the strong bond tt u all share...

it can be a song that u listened to when u were facing some dilemma and tt particular song brought u enlightenment...

any song - english, mandarin, jap, korean - will do as long as it tells us the story of a certain phase in ur life...

afterall, IT IS YOUR THEME SONG. =)

if ur special anniversary is coming, i'm sure this will be a perfect momento for ur loved one.

email me if u r interested k? my email add is sweetaudiodelights@gmail.com

thanks for supporting! =)




之前感冒了。至今已经一个多星期声音处于沙哑状态。it feels terrible to hear ur voice hoarse when u open ur mouth...u dun even feel like talking anymore...不能像平时七情上面地说话。。。不能大声说,不能多说,不然会不舒服。只能下意识地提醒自己要轻声说话。depressed...

i have to further restrict the food i eat too...now, i dun even eat cakes...

清淡 is good. been taking a lot of porridge too...this is e more luxurious form of 清淡 food tat can make me happier i guess...

i hope my voice can recover soon...i wan my voice back.