2nd day of mc...
a bit depressed...
wat made it worse is tat i can't talk...serious sore throat. doc checked my throat and said tat it was peeling. OMG, HOW CAN A THROAT PEEL??? apparently, it's cos of some virus tat made e sore throat illness more serious than usual.
i can't talk at all. i din talk at at all yest...this morn, tried to talk, but it's still painful...
doc gave stronger antibiotics this time round...500mg instead of 250mg. and oh my, the medicine was super bitter lor! cos the pill was so big, that i had to bite it up into two pieces first b4 i swallow. and thus, i get to taste e REAL TASTE of e medicine. YIKES!
my frens were telling me how sucky e weather is lately and i better take care of myself...but now how??? ill liao leh...i've been sleeping e whole of yesterday...super drowsy...
let's hope i can make it for work tm. till now, i've had 3 meals of porridge liao...two meals a day so far...and every meal is porridge...now the crucial factor is, will i be able to talk by tonight??? if not, how to work??? =(