Sometimes I wished I weren't a woman
why do i say this??
other than the fact that i have to withstand and overcome the ordeal of menstrual cramp (which can be so painful tat u can't imagine if you are a man), the other trauma which i have to painfully go through is PMS.
PMS = Premenstrual Syndrome.
1-2 wks before the actual period, the hormones in your body screw up and sometimes you become a complete wreck. well, if not a "complete" one, u might still end up being a "partial" wreck. (by that i don't mean "partial" as in "fair". haha. not funny.)
i admit, sometimes i get depressed when i have PMS. i start thinking about the negative things in life. WHICH I ABSOLUTELY HATE. who loves being an annoying negative depressant??
you know how much i love to laugh and be a happy nut. but...
what can i say?
i hate my hormones.
sometimes i wished i weren't a woman. then i wouldn't have to go through all the pain, month after month, till menopause (which is perhaps 2 decades later).
so there you are, or here i am, 2 more decades to suffer. haha.
guess what i googled in the afternoon right before i blogged??
"Ways to Counter PMS"
seriously i cannot even believe that i'm blogging about my PMS.
i become emotionally unstable during PMS, as you can see.
and somehow i think only gals will understand.
for men who are simply clueless about PMS, read on.
What is premenstrual syndrome?
Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is the term used for the physical and emotional symptoms that many women have during the seven to 14 days before their menstrual period begins. Almost every woman will endure bouts of PMS at some point in her life, but for an unlucky few -- between 20 and 40 percent -- PMS is a monthly ordeal.
What are the symptoms?
PMS symptoms are so numerous and varied that looking at a rundown can be a little jarring. The good news is that few people experience all of them. Physical symptoms may include these:
•lack of energy, fatigue
•swollen, tender breasts
•abdominal bloating, cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
•headache, back pain, body aches
•appetite changes
•swollen hands, feet, or ankles (due to water retention)
•dizziness, fainting
•joint or muscle pain
•flare-ups of acne, cold sores, genital herpes, yeast infections
Mental and emotional symptoms may include these:
•mood swings
•crying spells
•forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating
•memory loss or forgetfulness
What are the best ways to get relief?
You have a wide range of options, including these:
•Get moving. Studies show that physical activity helps to relieve PMS symptoms, perhaps by triggering the release of brain chemicals, including endorphins, which ease pain, relieve stress, brighten mood, and produce a sense of well-being. Exercise also relaxes muscles, which can ease aches. And it fights fluid retention, which can reduce bloating and breast tenderness.
•Try taking calcium supplements. An exciting new study suggested that women who took two Tums E-X tablets twice a day (which provided a total of 1,200 milligrams of calcium) had a noticeable reduction in PMS symptoms. Calcium's benefits didn't kick in until the third month, though, so don't give up if you don't feel better during the first cycle or two.
•Eat healthfully. Get plenty of complex carbohydrates such as whole grain breads, pasta, and cereal; and load up on fruits and vegetables. Unlike sweets, these foods provide steady energy and are high in fiber, which can curb cravings, since fiber-rich foods take longer to digest. Adding nuts, seeds, and soy products to your meals may also fend off PMS. These foods are rich in phytoestrogens (plant estrogens), which recent studies suggest may help adjust hormonal imbalances. Finally, avoid highly salted foods in the weeks leading up to your period (salt can cause you to retain water and feel bloated), caffeine (it's been found to contribute to breast tenderness and can exacerbate anxiety and irritability), and alcohol (it can trigger cravings and aggravate depression, headache, and fatigue).
•Take over-the-counter pain relievers. Aspirin and ibuprofen can relieve many of the bodily aches and pains that come with PMS.
•Talk to your doctor about taking other medications. If your symptoms are severe, ask your doctor if birth-control pills or antidepressants might be helpful. Oral contraceptives can even out fluctuations in hormone levels that cause symptoms. And studies show that the newer SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) drugs, such as Prozac, can effectively relieve both the emotional and physical symptoms of PMS in 75 percent of women. These medications work by increasing serotonin levels, possibly correcting neurotransmitter imbalances that seem to contribute to PMS.
•Get more sleep. Being stressed out or sleep deprived is likely to exacerbate many PMS symptoms, including aches and pains, moodiness, and irritability. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, and try relaxation techniques -- such as massage, meditation, or simply soaking in long hot baths -- as your period approaches.
extracted from:
ok, i'm not gonna bore you with chunks of info.
what i'm trying to say is, we can't escape from PMS.
which is something we can't change.
I.E. no solution???
gals are warmly welcomed to leave comments and whine about PMS. i can definitely empathise on that.
for men who are STILL CLUELESS about what i'm blogging, it's ok. i don't blame you. one word of advice though, if you have a gf, and she has pms, and she flares up at you, and she becomes hysterical, pls forgive her and try to understand. it's not her fault.