Esprique Precious
weibin and i were invited to the media launch of Kose's new make-up line - Esprique Precious...u may have already read all abt it in some magazines...good, affordable, easy-to-use make up from your fav Jap brand! hehe...
the launch was actually quite cool! it's at Mt Faber Jewel Box (juz tat it's difficult to get a parking lot) and they had invited a make-up artist all the way from Japan to demonstrate to us how cool the make-up is!
captured a candid shot of the place (and the highly-sensitive-to-camera make-up artist) =P and notice how pinky the cocktail was and how it matched everything? hehe...pinky pinky...

thanks to the Kose team for the nice make-up! really very nice and very useful for "hiao" media like me and weibin...muahaha...

had the chance to try out their lip gloss...(so juz pay attn to the lips lah huh...e rest of e light make-up is done by me...not pro enuff lah...haha...)

ok ok, i noe, not chio enuff check out their model k?? hehe...sure chio lah~