Sunday, November 19, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Taiwan Pix!
check out

This was taken at Jiu Fen! The famous Ah Po Yu Yuan aka yam balls!

me outside eslite (cheng pin) with Taipei 101 as the background! Can see me anot???
Friday, November 10, 2006
Busy Blogging!
i seem to be so busy blogging lately!
officially, i kinda have 3 blogs which i can use to blog.
1) - the one u r reading right now and which is my first blog and personal blog...
2) - our yes933 official 官方部落格 where all our 933 crew will be blogging on e same platform!
3) - my very own nokia live blog! basically i'll be posting more of my personal stuff on sweetaudiodelights blog and nokia live blog. so check these 2 out regularly for more updates!
BTW, can anyone tell me wat i can do to add pix to the "about me" column on e right to make it more interesting?? or any other suggestions (pls include procedure leh...)
i'm a true techno-idiot. i admit. *sobz*
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Taiwan food! *drools* =)
yoyoyo, i'm back from taiwan! i spent e last 5 days in taipei. it was not too bad. a bit worn out from e shopping and sight-seeing. took some pictures of course (cos so many of u wanna c pix! hehe!), but since some of e pix r wif my fren, i'll take more time to upload those pix for u all to c...
meanwhile, these r e food i bought!
allow me to introduce...from 淡水- the famous 阿婆铁蛋,鱼酥 and muah chee!!! supposedly "阿婆铁蛋" is e best cos this 阿婆 is e 厉害阿婆 who invented 铁蛋! she had wanted to 卤 some eggs, and she din keep track of e time...and TA DA!!! super iron eggs!!!'s very chewy and the flavour is great! i've tried other brands but i haven tried this yet...but i reckon it shld be fab!

this one is a great find from Watson's! i've always been a fan of 枇杷膏。and i found 枇杷膏 sachets over there! extremely convenient for u to bring them out rather than e heavy glass bottle! NT120 for 12 sachets...tat means ard S$0.50 for each sachet...not cheap leh...

this one is so cute!!! "Biagra" sweets!!! For both men and women! hmmm, tell me, who needs it????? i give u lah...HEHE...

i bought e blue one for my guy fren...and e pink one for my gal fren. and no, they do not know each other leh. hehe...and too bad, my female fren is married already! moreover, after reading wat's on e packaging, i'm contemplating to keep this for myself! guess wat's on e packaging?
dun think my 幸福 married female fren needs this more than me lor...=...(
finally, this is a great find!

no kidding...this is edible!!! sweets! so cute right?! heehee...