sweetaudiodelights - YES933 Jiahui 萧嘉蕙

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


我喜欢农历新年。对我而言,那才是新的一年的开始。有位朋友说,“诶,你好像比较传统耶!” 哈哈!或许是吧?

本来很想在这几天去看部贺岁片,但是和我吃饭的朋友已经看过了我很想看的"Norbit" 和 "Just Follow Law",所以即使已经是年初三了,我还没看过任何一部贺岁片leh!why like tat?!

周末吧。。。就可以继续沉浸在农历新年的春节气息中!继续holiday mood!!! muahaha! i'm sure u feel e same way too!!! *hi 5 man!* yeah baby!!


It's my first time counting down to the lunar new year at another place other than home. I'm already so used to taking 1 hr to eat my reunion dinner! followed by hrs of nua-ing in front of the tv every chinese new yr's eve! haha! this yr, i spent my chinese new yr's eve with DJs from 933, 958, 972 at Chinatown! anybody seen me 扯铃-ing? it's not easy but it's actually pretty fun! hehe!
ok, pix from that night with 3 talented young ppl! the 3 of them r siblings and i heard they r super talented in music!

Ranie, one of my xian ge ji yi supporters! a cool pretty girl! thanks for e pix, Ranie! =)

isn't he cute?? haha! he's e youngest of the siblings and his performance was the opening segment of the night! 年纪小小就会很帅气地打鼓哦!

飞轮海's 2nd mystery gift!

This is 飞轮海's 2nd mystery gift, contributed by 汪东城! if u happen to catch e video of them being interviewed in the 933 studio, u would have seen the cap too! yes, it's e same cap! =)

Saturday, February 03, 2007



如果在yahoo或google等search engine键入“YES933萧嘉蕙”,我的部落格会是第一个出现在搜寻结果名单上的吗?有办法可以那样子做吗?

不喜欢分离。。。我亲爱的小表弟在明天要到澳洲去念书了。他说,不会常回来。。。因为在澳洲买机票比较贵。。。=Z 什么话嘛。。。大家会想他耶。。。所以我也只能计划着再过几个月过去探望我这可爱,讲义气的小表弟。好啦,他也没小我很多啦。。。3年而已。。。说真的,还挺舍不得他的。


my cousin and his gf gave me a card reader b4 they left for australia! thanks coussie n gf! now i can put up more pix of myself! muahaha! 自恋!

these were taken quite some time ago...but no card reader then, so can't transfer...扮鬼脸的照片比较不欠扁。。。找到几张装可爱的照片,我看到之后,噢,也好想海扁自己哦!!!*扁自己!!!* 所以还是不放那些了啦。。。哈哈!

P.S. 如果你要找到我的话,你是一定会找到的。=)

Friday, February 02, 2007

My Friend's Wedding Part 2!

here's an update of the pix! i finally got myself a card reader so that i can d/l e pix taken wif my hp...

my two closer frens back in poly...



here it is!!!



还有第二份独家飞轮海的礼物要送给粉丝们!通过《给我名牌货》!every wed 11pm-12am...e surprise is on e way~~~!!!